Where should I contact for advice if I need to order plastic packaging bags?
You can contact us via phone number +84 28 2228 7388 - 2228 5457 - 2228 5585 - 0937 303 828 or address A4/26D Lien Ap 123, Vinh Loc B Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Minh for advice.
Does the company provide shipping services within Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?
Yes, we provide delivery service within Ho Chi Minh City and to other cities.
Is it possible to place a production order on demand?
We produce orders according to customer requirements.
What is the company's monthly production capacity?
We have a minimum production capacity of 200 tons per month.
Can I order products in bulk?
We accept product orders in large quantities. With a monthly production capacity of up to 400 tons, we can meet the needs of our customers. Please contact us for further details and advice on bulk orders.
Can the company produce plastic packaging products according to its own designs?
We can produce plastic packaging products according to your own designs.
Does the company produce recycled plastic packaging products?
We are using recycled plastic materials. If customers have special requirements for recycled plastic packaging products, please contact us so we can advise and support.